Soothing Music For Pets And People


I was talking with a friend who occasionally works with anxious dogs and cats in her veterinary practice and mentioned how relaxing music might be soothing and help to calm their anxiety especially in a shelter situation.

With that in mind, I wrote the first piece, which has been played at an animal hospital as well as the shelter where she works. I decided to write a second piece and release it as an album for people to use along with their pets. Notable times that cause anxiety for dogs, cats, and other pets seem to be storms, thunder and lightning, hurricanes and tornadoes, and fireworks.

Since animals are far more sensitive to smell, sound, and frequencies than humans, it is only fitting to create music to help them during times of distress.



The music is written in the calming 432 Hz frequency—440Hz has been the standard for the key of A for many years. A large number of musicians intuitively feel better tuning down from A-440Hz to A-432Hz. It has been said that the current tuning of music based on A-440Hz does not harmonize on any level that corresponds to cosmic movement, rhythm, or natural vibration. Mozart and Verdi both based their music on A-432Hz which was nicknamed the “Verdi tuning.”

Some shamans use 432Hz in their songs during Ayahuasca, and Tibetan singing bowls are even tuned to 432Hz. It seems to be the natural vibrational frequency of the universe. The change in frequency from 440Hz to 432Hz is barely noticeable to the human ear but it is felt by the body.

Since animals are far more sensitive to smell, sound, and frequencies than humans, it is only fitting to create music to help them during times of distress.


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